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General Artificial Intelligence - Dr. Joscha Bach, AI Foundation
Exoplanetas - Dr. Abel Mendez, Planetary Habitability Lab, UPR
Space and Artificial Intelligence - Dr. Anamaria Berea, SETI, BMSIS
What would an Alien Language be Like? - Dr. Sheri Wells-Jensen, METI International
Moving on Mars: The Curiosity and Perseverance Rovers - Dr. Allan Treiman, Lunar and Planetary Institute
Raising an AI baby - Dr. Iris Oved, Paradox Lab
Figuring out the Earth from the inside out - Dr. Kanani Lee, Yale/LLNL
From Math Contests to Fighting COVID19 - Dr. Po-Shen Loh, CMU
The search for life on Mars in the XXI century - Dr. Alex Pavlov, GSFC NASA
Looking for Life on Water Worlds, an oceanographers view of exoplanets - Dr. Hillairy Hartnett, ASU
Craziest Creatures on Earth - Dr. Graham Lau, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science (BMSIS)
Aliens, Astrobiology and Exoplanets - Dr. Daniel Anderhausen, ETH Zurich, BMSIS
The search for life in the Universe - Dr. Alex Tsapin, JPL (retired)
The Search for Galactic Minds and the history of SETI - Larry Klaes, SETIQuest editor
In Search for Exoplanets - Dr. Harold Geller, GMU
The history of Mars exploration - Dr. Alex Tsapin, JPL (retired)
Life beyond and on Earth - Dr. Adrian Lenardic, Rice U -
Space Habitation Systems - Greg Diderich, JSC NASA
Living Through a Revolution: Multi-messenger Astrophysics - Dr. Roopesh Ojha, GSFC NASA
Where in the Universe did we come from? - Dr. Ethan Siegel, science author, "Starts with a Bang" Forbes contributor
Why we should build a Moon base - Dr. Ian Crawford, University of London, UK
Remote Sensing, and India's Lunar and Martian missions - Dr. Laxmi Goparaju, VENHF, India
Climate Change: What is it and what does it mean? - Dr. Beth Johnson, UW-Oshkosh