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¿Qué es la astrobiología?

El enfoque de la astrobiología es la exploración de nuevos mundos - la preparación perfecta para un futuro impulsado por cambios multifacéticos.

Presenta una vista holística del mundo, uniendo a las ciencias de cosmología, astronomía, física, biología, geología y paleontología.

¿Quieres saber más? Checa nuestro Plan de estudios y Preguntas frecuentes.


Why Astrobiology?

We use astrobiology to introduce system thinking, inviting our students to delve into the exciting world of complexity, emergence, and self-organization on all scales.


This newly emergent science provides young students with the tools to question their reality, reflect on their position in space and time, and encourages students to see the world from a very different, “alien” viewpoint.


As the world around us grows more complex and unpredictable, the study of astrobiology prepares students for the mental resilience, intrinsic motivation, and self-awareness that they will need to meet new challenges.

Want to know more? Check out our Philosophy and FAQ.


About Julia

Lead instructor and founder Julia Brodsky is a researcher at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science. She holds an A.Sc. in science education, and an M.Sc in astrophysics from St.Petersburg Polytechnic University in Russia.

Over the years, she has taught International Space Station astronauts and flight controllers, worked as a rocket scientist at NASA, helped out at NASA outreach centers, and worked as a math and science teacher at private schools and colleges. Julia is a recipient of the Silver Snoopy Award, presented by astronauts for outstanding performance, contributing to flight safety and mission success. 

Julia homeschooled her own  children for several years, founded a math circle for K-5 kids, wrote a book on informal math education, and presented at Mathematical Sciences Research Institute at UC Berkeley, and international astrobiology and space research conferences.

She loves writing books and blogs on science and math, and sharing her courses and webinars with anybody who wants to listen : ) 

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